Sunday, November 8, 2009

Importance of Professionalism in the Workplace: PEOPLE FIRST

What is Professionalism?

Just being in a profession does not make one a professional. Read on to know what goes into making one.
Last night a very interesting question came up in my mind.
I always listen from people about professionalism, people usually say BE PROFESSIONAL. The magic question that made me put on my thinking cap was, "What is Professionalism"?

The answer varies all the time when I ask this to people, but there seemed to be a general lack of succinct understanding of the concept.
To start with let us agree on something -- just because one is a professional, he or she automatically does not exhibit professionalism.
A very general, raw idea of professionalism is a bundle of the following concepts: a focused approach, pride in what one is doing, confident, competent, motivation towards a particular goal, accountability, respect for people irrespective of rank, status and gender, responsibility while on the path to a particular goal, commitment to word and deed, control of emotions - well, you are beginning to get the idea now.
Basically it all boils down to where you leave out emotional upheavals and stay focused on the issue no matter what the issue is or how stressful and trying a situation turns out to be.
Cool as a cucumber, grace under pressure, while keeping the total focus on what one is supposed to be doing and accomplishing.
You will be exhibiting professionalism if you:Base business related interactions to facts, figures and purely on the logic and understanding of the situation at hand.
Do not get carried away by the passion of the moment.
Emotions vary by individual sensibilities and of course, cultures.
So stay focused and keeps bringing the person gently back on the issues. Otherwise you will lose complete control over yourself and the situation.
A business interaction has a purpose and a goal. An excessive amount of jocularity of "kidding around'' will be seen as flippant.
That does not mean that you pack up your natural sense of humor. Be mindful of when you are crossing the line. There is a tasteful limit to everything.
The ideal is a combination of light humor, where and when appropriate with a complete seriousness to moving towards the goal that is demanded of the interaction.
Understand your "corporate culture'' and function within its parameters.
Every business must set forth, not only to develop its own identity but also make sure that it is understood and translated in behavior by the employees.
All the corporate policies otherwise will remain just that, policies on paper.
Understand how to treat superiors, peers and subordinates with the utmost courtesy and in the proper accepted norms.
That will differentiate you from the rest by giving the cutting edge advantage.
More than your technical expertise and academic accomplishments you will be remembered and admired for your strict codes of conduct in your interactions.
Accept the fact that you are there to accomplish a definite task and that should be done with complete integrity, commitment and pride in your job.
This is just the raw data to get you started. The whole concept of professionalism can be very confusing with so many concepts going into it.
It is not something that is measured in any test where you are given scores.
It is there in a very subtle way making a statement about you and others are constantly taking down notes on you.
The importance of professionalism in the workplace cannot be overlooked in 21st Century society. Most of us spend more time at work than at home, and friendships with our managers and co-workers have become commonplace. But, when the boundaries between professional and personal cross, there can be serious problems. Too much openness about personal issues, lack of respect for authority, gossiping and not returning telephone calls promptly are a few examples of unprofessional (but increasingly common) behaviors at all levels that kill corporate productivity and image. Our society has become faster-paced and more casual, but professionalism remains the key to the business world – despite the trend toward casual dress and operating style.
With unemployment at record lows, the importance of professionalism in the workplace cannot be overlooked as a key to success and advancement. How you dress, speak, act, write and work determines whether you are a professional or an amateur. Since our culture has become more relaxed and casual, many believe that amateur work is acceptable and thus many businesses accept mediocre results. However, those organizations that stress the importance of professionalism in the workplace are usually growing, vibrant entities.
For starters, stick with all the ideas given here and you should be able to survive in any professional situation with great professionalism! All the Best Dear Friends…

References: The Hindu, Wikipedia

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